The Best Way to Set Yourself up for Success

The number one way to cultivate a successful future, right now.

Ashley Richmond
3 min readJun 27, 2020
Photo by David Gavi on Unsplash

Success looks different for everybody. For most of us, it’s making a certain amount of money. Most of us would ideally also like to be as happy and as healthy as possible. But no matter what success looks like for you, there is a concept that will help you get there.

The best way to set yourself up for success, is to have the work ethic of already being there.

This can be applied to any aspect of your life; your career, your relationship, a hobby. Doing the work as if you have already achieved success will ensure that when the time comes, you will be ready.

For example, I’ve read numerous books about how to create a lasting marriage, and I’m no where near ready to get married.

I talk to other business owners for advice as if I have my own business. In fact, I have already created a website for the business that I haven’t even started.

I speak to people about putting arrangements in place to buy a house, even though I’m years away from it.

I hear people who have achieved success speak often about how generally, people aren’t ready for success. If



Ashley Richmond

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